
Submitting Assignments

All assignments must be submitted electronically. Acceptable file formats include: plain text files, image files, and pdfs. Each student has a cs130r directory located in their home directory on the mathcs server. Homework is submitted by placing your completed document in your cs130r directory. The file must be named with the following format: FULLNAME_YEAR_MONTH_DAY.ext (ex. janedoe_2016_02_03.m). The date should correspond to the due date of the assignment. If you are submitting multiple files, first compress your files and submit them as one zip or tgz file. Multiple files must always be accompanied by a README.txt file that explains the contents and purpose of each file. I will write a shell script to automatically collect your assignments at the designated deadline. If your work is not located in the proper directory with the proper file name before the assignment deadline, then your work will not be imported and you will receive a 0 grade.

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-04-04

Chapter 10: Advanced Functions

Homework 5 - Due Wednesday, 2016-04-13 @ 4:00PM

Chapter 9: 2, 6, 13, 21
Chapter 10: 3, 8, 13, 28

Final Projects - Due Thursday, 2016-04-28 @ 11:30AM

Code and Presentation
Peer Evaluation Due Friday, 2016-04-29 @ 11:59PM

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-03-28

Chapter 9: Advanced File Input and Output

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-03-20

Chapter 8: Data Structures: Cell Arrays and Structures

Homework 4 - Due Wednesday, 2016-03-30 @ 4:00PM

Chapter 7: 2, 6, 10, 15, 19
Chapter 8: 2, 10, 12, 23

Suggested Reading - For Wednesday, 2016-03-16

Chapter 7: String Manipulation

Homework 3 - Due Monday, 2016-02-29 @ 4:00PM - Extra Credit Assignment

Chapter 5: 1, 4, 8, 23, 28, 35
Chapter 6: 2, 10, 14, 25

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-02-22

Chapter 6: MATLAB Programs

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-02-15

Chapter 5: Loop Statements and Vectorizing Code

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-02-08

Chapter 4: Selection Statements

Homework 2 - Due Wednesday, 2016-02-17 @ 4:00PM

Chapter 3: 5, 8, 11, 15, 30
Chapter 4: 9, 21, 24, 30

Homework 1 - Due Wednesday, 2016-02-03 @ 4:00PM

Chapter 1: 12, 15, 17, 19, 28, 32
Chapter 2: 4, 8, 19, 25, 38

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-02-01

Chapter 3: Introduction to MATLAB Programming

Suggested Reading - For Monday, 2016-01-25

Chapter 2: Vectors and Matrices

Suggested Reading - For Wednesday, 2016-01-20

Chapter 1: Introduction to MATLAB

Homework 0 - Due Wednesday, 2016-01-20 @ 4:00PM

Log in to your mathcs account using your Emory netID and password. Locate your cs130r directory, and place a text file in that directory being sure to follow the naming convention explained above. The text file should contain your full name. The main goal of this assignment is to ensure that each student is setup properly to submit upcoming homework assignments. I will provide an overview of how to access mathcs accounts during lab on Wednesday, 2016-01-20 for those who were unable to complete the assignment. After which, all students are expected to be properly setup for future homework submissions.

From terminal, use the following command:
